anyRemote and LIRC (outdated)

It seems there is no much practical sence in this, but anyRemote could be configured to work with LIRC.

To use anyRemote with IR remotes it needs to install LIRC package.

This feature was tested on IR remote RM-F7 and IR receiver supplied with Aver Media Studio 507 Tv tuner card.

Usage with devinput driver

Firstly, download generic config file

To determine appropriate /dev/input/eventX for LIRC usage run the following command:

ls -l /dev/input/by-path/|grep ir

and check output:

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 Dec  2 21:25 
                pci-0000:01:05.0--event-ir -> ../event6

Run lircd daemon:

lircd -H devinput -d /dev/input/eventX  -P/tmp/ \
	-o /tmp/some_name -n /path/to/lircd.conf.devinput

And finally run anyRemote with "-s ilirc:/tmp/some_name" parameter. It suggested to use AT-mode configurational files.

anyremote -f /path/to/cfg/file -s ilirc:/tmp/some_name

Usage with other LIRC drivers

Create $HOME/.lircrc or /etc/lircrc file with the contents like:

	remote = _REMOTE_NAME_
	button = Button1
	prog   = irexec
	repeat = 0
	config = BUTTON1


	remote = _REMOTE_NAME_
	button = ButtonX
	prog   = irexec
	repeat = 0
	config = BUTTONX

Create a configurational file for anyRemote with the contents like:

BUTTON1=Exec(whatever you want)
BUTTONX=Exec(whatever you want)

Run lircd daemon

Run anyRemote by
ircat irexec|anyremote -s stdin -f /path/to/cfg/file